Thursday, 22 May 2014

Rio Pequeno students go to school in Butantan

Alberto Torres is a Public High School situated in Butantã in the West Side of São Paulo. What is so special about it? Well, as of 2014, the São Paulo state government decided to make it a 'full time' or a model school maybe thinking about generating some 'good news' concerning the always-negleted educational sector during the general elections period that will start (September 2014) as soon as the Football World Cup packs up.

Usually, students at public Brazilian High Schools remain there not longer than 4-hours daily. Alberto Torres is different. Students arrive at 7:00 in the morning and stay up most of the day, returning home after 4:00 PM. The school also provide free transportation in the guise of some old school-busses that come and pick them up everyday in Rio Pequeno, Jardim João XXIII and other far-away places.

Here are some photos taken at Alberto Torres by Nilton Sergio Vieira. I hope he doesn't mind I posted his photos without permission.

Patrick Valentim and Pamela Clodius.
Antonio and Giovanna Soares.
Luyã and Lucio da Silva.
Iaiia Akemii and Marcos Coelho.
Victoria Alves, Sarah Silva and Nicholas Luiz.
Matheus Vasconcelos and Luana Viana.
Nilton Sergio Vieira and his students. The photos posted above were all taken by Nilton and used without his leave.
Lucio, Lucas Alexandre and Ramon Nunes on a wintry sunny morning...
Benê, Gilbert, Lucas Alex & Ramon Nunes.
the same bunch of friends...
we're cool and we know it...

see what else they do at school:


sleeping time & chaos in the class-room...

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Praça da Bandeira 1977

Terminal da Praça da Bandeira em 1977. O ônibus Rio Pequeno fazia ponto-final-inicial na ultima fileira, no topo da foto. Vinha como 'Bandeira' e voltava como 'Rio Pequeno'. O 'Jardim D'Abril' fazia ponto-inicial na frente do 'Rio Pequeno'.

Praça da Bandeira some time before... 

Praça da Bandeira even earlier than those times.

Praça da Bandeira became a big parking lot for private cars.

This is how that valley used to be before they tore all those houses down that became Praça da Bandeira.
Praça da Bandeira 1977.