Saturday, 17 July 2021

From Rio Pequeno to Jd. Barbacena in Cotia on 10 July 2021


João Luiz, his mother Rosangela and Myself wait for a Cotia bus at the stop on Rodovia Raposo Tavares km 14 to take us to pay a visit to Lucio, on a sunny Saturday morning. We were told by Lucio to take a Jardim Barbacena bus... but talking to people waiting at the stop, we realized there was NO bus with such a name. The lady next to Rosangela (looking away) told us the right bus would be Jardim do Engenho, and she was right on! 

But as we were waiting in vain for more than 40 minutes we were persuaded by a van-boy to take his van to km 25 and then take a local Jardim Barbacena bus to our destination. And that's what we did. 

But now, searching at the internet I realize the lady was spot on: the EMTU inter-municipal blue bus 334 leaves Metro's Morumbi Terminal bearing the name Jardim do Engenho and goes straight to where Lucio lives... Next time we'll be wiser...

Rosangela & João wait for the local bus at Rodovia Raposo Tavares km 25
Jardim Barbacena bus we took at km 25 rides back to km 21, turns right on Rua Monte Alegre and goes all the way to Rua Alfa at Jardim Barbacena, where Lucio lives. There go Rosangela carrying a green bag and João far ahead.
After walking on Rua Monte Alegre for half-an-hour Rosangela finally  enters Estrada dos Galdinos which ascends a hill;  see the entrance to Condomínio Bosque dos Esquilos on the left-hand side.
Rosangela finally gets to Rua Alfa, the street where Lucio lives. 
'Oh, My God, look how steep Alfa Street is!'  It took quite a while for Myself & Rosangela to climb such a hill... João had already arrived at the destination by now...
'Ninguém merece subir essa ladeira...' 
On our ardous way up there was this beautiful gate at a house on the left-hand side...
Are we there yet? 
Rosangela finally made the grade... 
The house where Lucio lives in the back of this yellow one... 
Rosangela climbs down the stairs that lead to Lucio's abode in the back of the yard...
'Oi, de casa!'
Lucio lives in the floor ground of the green house...
'Mission accomplished!' 
Rua Alfa, Jardim Barbacena, Cotia-SP.
Jardim Barbacena, Granja Viana and vicinities in Cotia-SP.
Lucio pays us a visit at Rio Pequeno on the next Saturday, 17 July 2021. 
Lucio & Sandra holding Kinine...
Lúcio & Myself in Rio Pequeno, Saturday avo, 17 July 2021

Monday, 12 July 2021

Avenida Politécnica heading towards Rodovia Raposo Tavares


Avenida Politécnica about one kilometre before it reaches Rodovia Raposo Tavares. 
Private property on the right side of Avenida Politécnica; part of Parque dos Príncipes compound. 
thick trunks of eucalypitus trees.

Last bridge that links the two sides of Avenida Politécnica before it reaches Raposo Tavares.  
The last 100 metres before Av. Politécnica reaches Rod. Raposos Tavares. 

Monday, 15 March 2021

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Rio Pequeno in bloom...

Rio Pequeno is not only bricks & mortar... it also has some vegetation & green, and it only takes some dedication & determination to find them around... 

blogger Carlus Maximus under a gorgeous purple ypê next to Corinthinha's field. 

orchids in the back of our garden in Rio Pequeno. 

João Luiz under a tree in the flower bed on Avenida Escola Politécnica.
polluted Rio Pequeno flows away into Rio Pinheiros... 
at Jaguaré, you know where... 
post-modern Rio Pequeno... 
pruning up excess vegetation from our front door; January 2021
Branquinha on the roof of our garage. 
Nonoka on top of the wall.
Sandra & Botinha, her favourite feline.